
六门课程(18个或更多学分)的美国电子游戏正规平台辅修课程允许你以英语学习美国文化为中心, History, Sociology, Fine Arts, Political Science, Psychology, Theater, and other departments, as well as cross-listed classes in other minors, 比如妇女电子游戏正规平台、非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台. 要正式注册辅修课程,请发邮件给项目助理主任劳伦·克罗克特-吉拉德 lauren.crockett@zhuzhoubtb.com.

Christina Klein

Christina Klein
Christina Klein
Program Director
Christina Klein

Christina Klein

Program Director

As the course list list suggests, the Minor is rigorously interdisciplinary, 这意味着它需要一个人超越任何一个部门的学科范围去思考. 以分析美国文化的过去和现在为主题, American Studies minors investigate such overarching subjects as the effect of city life on cultural expression and social organization; the historical interaction of class, gender, race, and ethnicity; how forms of high culture, popular culture, and mass media interpret and shape historical transformation; the character of mass migration within and across national borders; the development of borderlands, and the problem of American empire.

美国电子游戏正规平台辅修课程对美国生活中文化塑造和经常激烈争论的问题的介绍为学生从事法律职业提供了良好的准备, teaching, government, journalism, and many other professions. 因为跨学科的工作现在是电子游戏正规平台生教育的标准特征, 这门辅修课程也为从事人文和社会科学领域的文化分析工作提供了必要的准备.

您可能已经注册了一门或多门课程,您可以将其“祖父”纳入辅修课程. 我们现在开设一门跨学科的“美国电子游戏正规平台导论”课程(ENGL 2277)。, required for American Studies minors.

The Overall Plan

和其他辅修课程一样,美国电子游戏正规平台包括6门课程(18个或更多学分)。. There are two required courses: 1) ENGL 2277, the Introduction to American Studies OR ENGL 2278,  American Culture: Engaging Difference and Justice,  and 2) the senior seminar, taken in the fall or spring of senior year. Students cannot count both ENGL 2277 and ENGL 2278, 但这两门课都可以用来满足入门课程的要求. 辅修课程学生必须选修专业以外的两个系的课程. 在高级研讨会之前的其他五门课程中,有三门必须围绕一个共同的主题(见下文)。, 而其余课程必须符合美国电子游戏正规平台交叉列表的资格. The courses listed on this website are merely a sample of offerings; in any given year there will be other courses offered by various departments that may qualify. 你需要得到美国电子游戏正规平台主任的批准.

Note: Only one course that satisfies a core requirement can be counted for the minor; in addition, 如果你最后一年的高级研讨会是由你的专业部门提供的, it can be counted for your minor, but not for your major as well.

Areas of Concentration

By your junior year, at the latest, 你应该从你的全部课程中选择三门课程,这些课程可以围绕一个共同的主题集中起来, your area of concentration. 通常这意味着选择一到两门你已经学过的课程, and then adding one or two to make a thematic concentration. 这些是最常见的主题,符合该项目的优势:

  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Gender, Sexuality and culture
  • Cultures of Cities
  • Society and Subcultures
  • Popular Culture and Media
  • Law, Politics and Culture
  • America and the World

Many other areas of concentration are possible. If you want to pursue one that's not on the list above, 你需要得到Christina Klein教授或助理主任的批准 Lauren Crockett-Girard.

Introduction to American Studies

美国电子游戏正规平台导论(ENGL 2277)提供了对主题的介绍, approaches, and methods in the field of American Studies. 虽然你可以在高级研讨会之前的任何时间上ENGL 2277(这不是选修辅修课程的先决条件), if you are considering registering for the minor, then you are strongly urged to take it as soon as is possible. Some seats will be set aside for American Studies minors; if you can't get into the course by registering online, you can secure them by permission of the instructor.

The Senior Seminar

在你大四的时候,你必须参加指定的美国电子游戏正规平台高级研讨会课程. The topic of the seminar, 在主要合作系之一开设的跨学科课程, varies every year. The course is required for completion of the minor.

ENGL 5513:高级研讨会:跨国美国电子游戏正规平台:美国和亚洲 

这次研讨会提供了一个深入了解美国电子游戏正规平台的跨国翼. Instead of taking America’s borders as the limit of inquiry, 我们将探索从18世纪到现在,美国与境外世界——特别是亚洲——关系的文化史. 我们的重点将放在美国人和亚洲人生活的物质条件(政治条件)之间的关系上, military, economic, 社会)和生产形式多样的文化(家居用品), dance, movies, performance, propaganda, etc.). 研讨会的高潮是一篇关于你选择的文化文物的实质性电子游戏正规平台论文.

The University offers an independent major program 美国电子游戏正规平台在过去曾为其提供过建议. Normally you need a 3.5 GPA; you plan a program of 12 courses, ten of which must be upper-division courses, spread over no more than three departments. Proposals must be submitted to the Dean’s Office before March 1 of the student’s sophomore year; the proposal will then be submitted to the university’s Educational Policy Committee for approval. 近年来,教育政策委员会通过的建议中包括美国电子游戏正规平台跨学科的独立专业,专注于性别和文化的电子游戏正规平台, urban planning, and immigrant cultures.

随着美国电子游戏正规平台领域变得越来越跨国,美国文化的范围和起源也越来越全球化, 国际电子游戏正规平台成为该学科的重要组成部分. 我们还为出国留学的外国大学提供咨询,这些大学有很强的美国电子游戏正规平台项目. For more information, 联系美国电子游戏正规平台主任和/或BC全球教育办公室.