
'Watery romanticism' represents a confluence of two of award-winning author 克莱尔·康诺利's scholarly pursuits

摄影:Caitlin Cunningham.

从技术上讲, 克莱尔·康诺利 may be a “visiting scholar” at 电子游戏软件, 但她已经很熟悉这个地方了.

The Burns Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies for 2023-2024, Connolly spent 2002-2003 as a visiting associate professor at BC, 多年来,他在校园里发表过几次演讲. She also collaborated with Associate Professor of English Marjorie Howes, 不列颠哥伦比亚省爱尔兰电子游戏正规平台学院的一员, 作为六卷本的编辑转型中的英国文学,1700-2020.

“这里有很多学者, 跨学科,康诺利说, professor of modern English at University College Cork and author of 爱尔兰小说文化史,1790-1829, which won the American Conference for Irish Studies Donald J. 墨菲杰出第一专著奖.

“学生们, 本科生或电子游戏正规平台生, 和优秀的人交谈吗, 无论是在课堂上还是一对一的情况下. And then are the amazing resources of the Burns and O’Neill libraries. So I was very pleased and excited to have the opportunity to come to BC again for an entire academic year.”

A collaboration between the Center for Irish Programs and University Libraries, the Burns Scholar program brings outstanding academics, 作家, 记者, 图书馆员, and other notable figures to the University to teach courses, 举办公开讲座, and work with the resources of the Burns Library in their ongoing research, 写作, 以及与爱尔兰历史有关的创造性活动, 艺术, 和文化.

Connolly—a native of Clonmel in County Tipperary—will share insights from her unique perspective on 18th- and 19th-century Irish culture when she presents “Watery Romanticism: Crossing the Irish Sea with Keats,秋季伯恩斯学者讲座, 12月6日下午5点半.m. 在伯恩斯图书馆汤普森室. 活动开始前,下午4:30举行.m. 接待处是免费向公众开放的.

“Watery Romanticism” represents a confluence of two of Connolly’s scholarly pursuits. 她长期电子游戏正规平台和写作浪漫主义, the 艺术istic and intellectual movement that accentuated emotion and individualism, in large p艺术 through veneration of the past and the natural world—a response to the Age of Enlightenment and, 特别是, 对自然的科学解释. Among its leading figures was the English poet John Keats, tragic author of works such as “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (“Beauty is truth, 真,美,这就是你在世上所知道的一切, 你只需要知道这些。”), whose travels in his short life included a walking tour of Eng土地’s Lake District and Scot土地 that involved a brief trip to Ire土地.

10月12日, 2023 -- University College Cork Professor of Modern English 克莱尔·康诺利, 电子游戏软件's 2023-2024 Burns Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies.

克莱尔·康诺利:“所以, how do we assess the impressions of a Romantic like Keats in the context of what scientific findings, 官方文档, 其他证据也告诉我们? What might it say about Romanticism and its place in Irish history 和文化, 以及对浪漫主义的批评, 比如在爱尔兰自由邦成立的早期?"

在开始奥德赛之前, Keats became one of countless individuals to make the crossing between Scot土地 and Ire土地 via the Irish Sea. 这样的旅行司空见惯, 即使是平凡的, 而且对爱尔兰有着重要的文化意义, 指出康诺利.  

“Seas and coasts were p艺术 of everyday Irish life in the Romantic era,” she explained. “作者, 士兵, 房东, 农民工, 学生, and members of Parliament moved between the is土地s and across the British Empire along with books, 信, 酒, 食物, 武器, 和牛.”

近年来, Connolly has led the interdisciplinary 环境al and public humanities projects “Deep Maps: West Cork Coastal Cultures” and “Ports, 过去和现在,分析了广泛的, often complex relationship over hundreds of years between Irish people and the coastal and marine areas they have inhabited, 探索, 利用, 和利用. 为了她的讲座, she will use findings from this work as a lens to analyze Keats’s Irish and Scottish 信 and consider the limits imposed upon the creative imagination by the teeming, 爱尔兰饥荒前的凄惨景象.

“Keats had yet to write his most well-known poems before the trip to Ire土地, so it’s interesting to get a sense of what he encountered,康诺利说. “He hadn’t really envisioned a ‘tour’; he just got on the ferry and was in Ire土地. His 写作 from that time doesn’t have a tourist’s perspective: Among other things, 他看到了迅速发展的贝尔法斯特, 被疾病蹂躏, and was unimpressed: He remarked that Belfast was more expensive than Covent Garden.”

Environmental humanities is a highly effective means by which to view Irish history 和文化 more comprehensively, Connolly说. “The late 18th and 19th century was a very intense period where the relationship between people, 土地, 环境, 还有正义, 以不总是被完全理解的方式交织在一起. 如记录所示, there was certainly a legacy of extraction and exploitation—the colonial government seeking to ‘improve’ the 土地 through draining bogs and harvesting seaweed, for instance—but also one of conservation and attention to biodiversity.

“So, how do we assess the impressions of a Romantic like Keats in the context of what scientific findings, 官方文档, 其他证据也告诉我们? What might it say about Romanticism and its place in Irish history 和文化, 以及对浪漫主义的批评, 比如在爱尔兰自由邦成立的早期?”

Having grown up “at the bottom of a valley with no TV reception,康诺利说, 她总是一个热心的读者. 她在20世纪80年代成年, a period marked by the continuing turmoil of the Troubles but also referenda on abortion and divorce that finally led to some important societal changes in Ire土地. After earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees from University College Cork, 康诺利移民到威尔士, earning a doctorate at Cardiff University and serving on its faculty. 她于2012年回到爱尔兰.

Connolly has edited or co-edited 10 books and authored dozens of book chapters and 艺术icles, and has been O’Brien Professor at Concordia University in Montreal and Parnell Fellow in Irish Studies at Magdalene College, 剑桥. Her affiliations include membership in the Royal Irish Academy, the board of the Irish Research Council and Council of the Royal Irish Academy, and the 剑桥 Studies in Romanticism editorial board; she also is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.